Restore Your Smile

Have an uneven gum line, gum recession or small teeth? Consider cosmetic periodontal treatment for a radiant, natural smile.

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Small Teeth or
Uneven Gum Line

When the crowns of your teeth are covered by too much gum tissue, your teeth appear smaller than they are, plus you can develop cavities under the gum line, which are difficult to treat.

Dr. Tredinick is an expert at performing cosmetic periodontal surgery to reshape the gum lines around your teeth or lengthen your tooth crown to beautify your smile or increase your oral health.

Long Teeth or
Exposed Roots

If your teeth appear short or your gums dominate your smile, you have what is commonly called a “gummy smile.” Gummy smiles can be both a cosmetic and periodontal health problem because teeth that have too much gum covering the crown are harder to clean. If your tooth fractures under the extra gum tissue or develops decay, it is also harder to treat.

Called functional crown lengthening, this procedure removes excess gum tissue to expose more of the crown of the tooth. After the lengthening, our certified periodontist will resculpt the gum line to its correct height, width, and shape. When complete, your smile will look bright, natural and attractive.

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